Lucas Oil Gas Treatments rock.
Lucas Oil Gas Treatments rock. My wife and I got a 2009 Ford Focus SE that was a hand me down from my wive’s sister that got the car from a used car dealer that abused the poor thing. Engine ran rough as hell. I repaired the engine mounts and that took out 50% of the rough idle. Then I used your High Milage Fuel Treatment with the Safeguard Ethanol Conditioner and that took another 40% out of the rough idle. Now I just have to chase down the other 10% of the idle issue. Since the fuel treatments did such good job on the Ford, I started using the Synthetic Oil Stabilizer with regular fuel treatment with once a year. I use Deep Clean Fuel System Cleaner in my 2011 GMC Sierra. My mechanic is floored every time and happy to see my valves and piston tops are nearly 100% clean. He tells me that is the reason why my truck seems it wants to run like Corvette even though its a V6 full size Truck. But one thing I get from my truck is it gives me a thank you for using your products. I also use your Synthetic ATF Conditioner on top of my factory ATF fill. The ATF is still light red.