Uses Lucas Transmission Fix

I was traveling thru California on my family vacation, when my transmission suddenly started shifting hard in low gears and slipping. All that went thru my mind at that moment was great , this is going to ruin my plans to take my kids to Disneyland . It then crossed my mind , how am I going to get my vehicle home 600 miles away. I stoped into a pepboys (where i also work at back home), and I purcased a lucas transmission additive . I removed a quart of transmission fluid and added your additive . Since that moment till a month later (today) , I have had smooth sailing with my vehicle. I know this additive is not my permanent solution to all my transmission needs, but I want to thank you for making a good product. I really feel that your product helped me out of a jam that could of ruined my family’s whole vacation. Now at work when my customers request my advise on what additives I recommend, its going to be lucas, because now I am really a believer. Since I work in retail , and I know sometimes all you ever hear about is complaints, I wanted to let you know you produce a good product and you should be proud of that product. thanks again

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