New Website for 2022 Lucas Oil Junior Dragster Championship

(14th January, 2022) –
Lucas Oil Ambassador Wayne Jackson is pleased to announce the continuing support of Lucas Oil for the 2022 Junior Dragster Championship. This season, the Championship will have its own Lucas Oil website.
“We plan to feature news about the cars, about the drivers and the teams,” he says. “We also want it to be the go-to website for results and pre-race news, so we are actively seeking pictures and information right now!”
You can help. He’s looking for:
- Head shots (x1 per driver) without helmet (png or jpeg)
- Full body shots (x1 per driver) in team overalls (png or jpeg)
- Short biographies (3-4 paragraphs) about drivers (age, achievements, interesting facts)
The website will be administered by Andy Fensome, who is the father of junior dragster racers Jake and Kai Cooper.
Please email images and information to: