Recently and all of a sudden, my 2003 Honda CRV began to drag and stall. As a single female, I had no idea where to begin. I called a mechanic, who wanted to charge me over $300 to fix the problem…WHAT?! NEXT, I made a trip to my local automotive franchise; while there, he connected my vehicle to the diagnostic computer and told me that it was a catalytic converter issue. He the recommended that I use some form of ” Cat Cleaner”. Ok. As I stood at the wall of various THIS AND THAT… completely confused, with one oil looking just like the next one. I remembered from some many years ago, the name LUCUS OIL was the best. I picked up a bottle of the $10.00 DEEP CLEAN FUEL SYSTEM CLEANER. WORKED LIKE IT SAID AND SAVED ME $300+ for now!!!! I’M SOLD ONLY LUCUS FOR MY HONDA!!!!

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