Fully Synthetic 5w-40 Motor Oil

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Stig Neergaard


Stig Neergaard Racing
Stig Neergaard
Top Fuel Dragster

Chassis: Stig Neergaard 2015

Wheelbase: 300"

Body: Aerodine Carbon Fiber

Wing: Aerodine Carbon Fiber

Engine: AJPE 500 CID (8.2L) AluBlock

Max RPM: 8400

Bore/Stroke: 4.187"x4.5"

Heads: AJPE Stage 6

Blower: AJPE

Fuel: 90% Nitromethane, 10% Methanol

Fuel Pump: Waterman

Fuel System: AJPE Fuel System, Aerodine Injector

Ignition: 2xmsd 44 Mag

Clutch: AJPE 8 Stands, 10.5” 5 Disc Hartman Hydraulics Canon Timer System

Reverser: Rob Moore Performance

Bellhousing: Trick Titanium

Rear End: 12” Strange Engineering

Horsepower: 8000HP Approx

Best ¼ Mile: 4.78/308.64 MPH

1000Ft: 3.92/307 MPH

20 May Allingåbro Motorfestival
26-29 May Main Event, Santa Pod, England
22 April Spring Race Mosten Denmark
3-5 June DHB Padborg Denmark
15-18 June Tierp, Sweden
29 June-2 July Alastaro, Finland
18-20 August Hockenheim, Germany
24-27 August Tierp, Sweden
1-3 September Mosten Raceday, Denmark
8-10 September Finals, Santa Pod, England


FIA EM # 2

Born in 1961, Stig developed a passion for mechanics at a relatively early age. As a teenager he soon became involved with improving the performance of mopeds, motorcycles and then cars, something that led him to an involvement in the straight-line sport driving a Chevrolet Corvette which he constructed using components from sundry sources--- and the body of which was formed by him using a friend’s ’Vette as a buck and molding fiberglass on top of that.

From small beginnings in drag racing, the innovative competitor moved up the ranks to a point where in 1988 he campaigned a Top Methanol Dragster prior to joining the elite Top Fuel class in 1995 with an entry which he raced throughout Europe with more than a modicum of success through the millennium.

There then followed a racing hiatus as he built up a successful grandstand rental business in his home country of Denmark.

Subsequent import of a McKinney chassis from the States saw him participating in the prestigious FIA European Drag Racing Championship Series, where he quickly made a name for himself as a driver of note.

As time went by, he developed a routine whereby he would compete in the FIA events during the five-month spring/summer season and then race against the best American competitors at selected NHRA national events such as those held in Pomona, Las Vegas and Gainesville.

In June 2013, Stig became the first European driver to break the 4-second ET barrier when he recorded a track and European record of 3.95 seconds at Sweden’s Tierp Arena. More recently, he has driven at South African races held at Tarlton International Raceway near Johannesburg, where he also assisted others in a tuning capacity.

Stig finished the 2016 FIA season in second place, garnering wins at two of the six-race series, was runner-up at one and was pole qualifier at four of the six events. 

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